Quick Start

How to use Sockpuppet in your app

Before you begin...

A great user experience can be created with Django. In conversations about modern web development, servers like Django are often typecast as the backend for a frontend framework such as ReactJS or VueJS.

If you are happy with that way of building applications, then you can stop reading now.

We are only alive for a short while and learning any new technology is a sacrifice of time spent with those you love, creating art or walking in the woods.

Every framework you learn is a lost opportunity to build something that could really matter to the world. Please choose responsibly.

It might strike you as odd that we would start by questioning whether you need this library at all. Our motivations are an extension of the question we hope more people will ask.

Instead of "Which Single Page App framework should I use?" we believe that StimulusReflex can empower people to wonder "Do we still need React, given what we now know is possible?"

Hello, Reflex

Bringing your first Reflex to life:

  1. Declare the appropriate data attributes in HTML together with a Python view.

  2. Initialize a Stimulus application in JavaScript.

  3. Create a server-side Reflex object with Python.

Getting started quickly

The following command will generate everything you need to see the Reflex in action.

python manage.py generate_reflex your_app your_reflex_name
# Side note: You can add --javascript if you want to generate a Stimulus controller as well.

Hook up the view that was generated to urls.py, visit the URL and click increment. Magic! ✨

In the template, you'll see the following:

{% static 'sockpuppet/sockpuppet.js' %}

If you don't want or need to build your own JavaScript with a build tool you can use that static tag.

However, if you want to take advantage of things like lifecycle callbacks you'll have to start defining your own Stimulus controllers and build your own JavaScript.

Call Reflex methods on the server without defining a Stimulus controller

The command that you just ran generated a reflex without defining a Stimulus controller. The example will automatically update the page with the latest count whenever the anchor is clicked.

    <a href="#"
    data-count="{{ count }}"
    >Increment {{ count }}</a>

We use data attributes to declaratively tell Sockpuppet to pay special attention to this anchor link. data-reflex is the command you'll use on almost every action. The format follows the Stimulus convention of [browser-event]->[ServerSideClass]#[action]. The other two attributes, data-step and data-count are used to pass data to the server. You can think of them as arguments.

We are also assuming that we have a view that renders this template. The view looks like this.

from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView

class CountView(TemplateView):
    template_name = 'index.html'

    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
        context['count'] = 0
        return context

If you are building your own JavaScript this is what you need to wire up the JavaScript behind Sockpuppet. If not, you can use

{% load static %}
{% static 'sockpuppet/sockpuppet.js %}

in the template instead to include the required JavaScript.

import { Application } from 'stimulus'
import StimulusReflex from 'stimulus_reflex'
import WebsocketConsumer from 'sockpuppet-js'

const application = Application.start()
const consumer = new WebsocketConsumer('ws://localhost:8000/ws/sockpuppet-sync')

StimulusReflex.initialize(application, { consumer })

Next up is defining a reflex in Python.

from sockpuppet.reflex import Reflex

class CounterReflex(Reflex):
    def increment(self):
        self.count = (
            int(self.element.dataset['count']) +

Sockpuppet maps your requests to Reflex classes that live in your your_app/reflexes folder or reflexes that exist in the file your_app/reflex.py. In this example, the increment method is executed and the count is incremented by 1. The self.count instance variable is passed to the template when it is re-rendered.

Concerns like managing state and rendering views are handled server-side. This technique works regardless of how complex the UI becomes. For example, we could render multiple instances of self.count in unrelated sections of the page and they will all update.

Manually call a Reflex from a Stimulus controller

Real-world applications will benefit from additional structure and more granular control. Building on the solid foundation that Stimulus provides, we can use Controllers to build complex functionality and respond to events.

Manually calling a reflex from a stimulus controller also requires that you build your own JavaScript. The following command aims to help you setup a build flow using Webpack.

python manage.py initial_sockpuppet

Let's build on our increment counter example by adding a Stimulus controller and manually calling a Reflex action.

  1. Declare the appropriate data attributes in HTML.

  2. Create a client-side StimulusReflex controller with JavaScript.

  3. Create a server-side Reflex object with Python.

  4. Create a server-side Example view with Python.

    <a  href="#"
    >Increment {{ count }}</a>

Here, we rely on the standard Stimulus data-controller and data-action attributes. There's no StimulusReflex-specific markup required.

import { Controller } from 'stimulus';
import StimulusReflex from 'stimulus_reflex';

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {

  increment(event) {
    this.stimulate('CounterReflex#increment', 1)

This controller needs to be registered together with the StimulusReflex application.

import { Application } from 'stimulus'
import StimulusReflex from 'stimulus_reflex'
import WebsocketConsumer from 'sockpuppet-js'
import CounterController from './controller/counter_controller.js'

const application = Application.start()
const consumer = new WebsocketConsumer('ws://localhost:8000/ws/sockpuppet-sync')

application.register('counter', CounterController)
StimulusReflex.initialize(application, { consumer })

The controller connects during the page load process and we tell StimulusReflex that this controller is going to be calling server-side Reflex actions. The register method has an optional second argument that accepts options, but we'll cover that later.

When the user clicks the anchor, Stimulus calls the increment method. All StimulusReflex controllers have access to the stimulate method. The first parameter is the [ServerSideClass]#[action] syntax, which tells the server which Reflex class and method to call. The second parameter is an optional argument which is passed to the Reflex method. If you need to pass multiple arguments, consider using a JavaScript object {} to do so.

If you're responding to an event like click on an element that would have a default action (such as an a or a button element) it's very important that you call preventDefault() on that event, or else you will experience undesirable side effects such as page navigation.

from sockpuppet import reflex

class CounterReflex(reflex.Reflex):
  def increment(step=1)
    self.session['count'] = int(session['count']) + step

Here, you can see how we accept an optional step argument to our increment Reflex action. We're also now switching to using the Django session object to persist our values across multiple page load operations.

from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView

class CountView(TemplateView):
    template_name = 'index.html'

    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
        context['count'] = self.request.session.get('count', 0)
        return context

Finally, we set the value of the self.count instance variable in the view. When the page is first loaded, there will be no session[:count] value and self.count will be 0.

Instead of using sessions to persist data, you could store the data in Django models. To keep this example we use Django sessions to store our counter value.

Last updated

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